Linger Longer

Design, decorating, and construction. These 3 things run in my veins. I was raised by a dad who is a general contractor and a mom who loved to make our house cozy and welcoming. My childhood was filled with job site visits, house blueprints on the kitchen table, and weekends visiting antique shops, flea markets, and an occasional auction.

I have used these elements from growing up to help navigate decorating and designing my own home and eventually homes for my clients. With the encouragement of my family and friends I started my own design company, named FIG, in 2018. When decorating a house one of the main ingredients I like to incorporate are vintage pieces and antique furnishings. To me a room instantly feels grounded and like it has a soul once something from the past has been introduced. If my client does not have any antiques or vintage items I am so excited to hit the road for a treasure hunt.

It is such an honor to be invited into someone’s home, especially so if they want FIG to help them with the design/decorating process. It starts with a questionnaire so that we can get to know one another and if we agree we are a good fit, a phone consult or a meeting will take place to hear more details from the client about their project needs.

I’m grateful for the day in and day out knowledge I gained growing up while listening to my dad talk with his clients about their home projects. This helped me to understand what all goes in to the building process which is why I decided to make my company not just about the decorating but about the actual design of rooms. I go past the paint colors, fabrics, and furnishings and look at details such as trim, molding, scale and proportion of rooms. This might mean you hire FIG for a renovation and I will help with a new layout or even rearranging rooms within the house. I have had first hand experience with this as my husband and I have renovated a few of our own homes over the years.

Decorating rooms and designing homes means more to me than just what you see. I like to make sure all the senses are used when one walks in a room. Music playing, kids laughing, a candle burning, something cooking in the kitchen, lots of books and magazines at an arm’s reach away when you sit down...these elements create such an endearing layer to a home and make you want to stay a while. This is my hope, to help you create meaningful moments and spaces where you, your friends, and family want to go to linger longer.


A Slice of Nostalgia


Boxwood Cottage